Friday 4 July 2008

Four housemates up for BB eviction

'Big Brother' contestants Mario, Stephanie, Lisa and Luke have failed to secure immunity from the first round of evictions.
The quartet failed the task in which they had to convince the other housemates that Mario and Stephanie were a couple; Mario and Lisa are the real couple in this year's house.
The scam culminated in a fake wedding for Mario and Stephanie on the show yesterday.
The wedding breakfast was then interrupted with this announcement: "The wedding is now over. Big Brother has a very important announcement - there is a secret couple living in the House. Housemates have one minute to decide who they think those two housemates are."
The group decided the real couple were Mario and Lisa and the correct answer meant that the duo, Stephanie and Luke would face eviction.
Mario and Lisa were delighted the truth about their relationship was revealed while Luke was unhappy about facing eviction.
"The reason why we're on the chopping block now is because of Stephanie," he said, referring to her difficulty with the task.
Bookies have made massage therapist Kathreya the new favourite to win the show.
Read our 'Big Brother' blog here.
Read the 'Big Brother' housemates' profiles here.